The AMOA-National Dart Association (NDA) is working on details for the creation of a once-a-month weekend remote tournament concept, with the first one set to debut at 12
- Central Time on Saturday, August
The continued advancements in remote play technology, along with increased participation among players, charterholders and location customers, has heightened interest within NDA for developing such a remote event model.
Currently, NDA has more than 47,000 sanctioned soft-tip dart players in the U.S. and internationally, so there is a strong, existing base of potential NDA participants to go along with the organization’s network of more than 250 coin-machine operator members who plan and conduct dart leagues and tournaments.
While many details are to be determined, the framework for NDA’s monthly weekend remote tournaments (MWRT)s will feature:
- Game play to commence at 12 p.m. Central Time the last Saturday of each month (subject to change to account for holidays and other events)
- Race to 3 format, with games of Cricket, 501, Cricket, 501 and
- Divisions and levels would be based on Cricket
- Players will be required to sign up using a CompuSport account, be currently- sanctioned by the NDA and have a minimum of 24 games to
- Registration, entry fees, bracketing and scorekeeping would be done using the CompuSport event management system; payouts would be made to players using PayPal.
NDA’s MWRT promises to deliver more value to all members: players, particularly those who do not currently participate in NDA’s Team Dart or Regional events; operators, who will benefit from increased play on their machines, as well the chance to offer their players a regular opportunity to throw darts/win money and to direct more business to their location customers; and manufacturer sponsors, who can increase awareness and utilization of their equipment and their capabilities.
More information will soon be forthcoming, but in the meantime, please note the date of NDA’s first Monthly Weekend Remote Tournament and start promoting it with your players and location customers.
For more information, contact NDA at: or 708-326-7110.