NDA Tournament Incentive Program (TIP)
In an effort to develop and maintain strong ties with industry state associations and groups that conduct annual electronic darting events, the AMOA-National Dart Association (NDA) has a program in place whereby it assists such industry organizations with various parts of their dart tournaments.
The TIP program offers a menu of support services that range from tournament registration to reporting for participating industry state associations and organizations.
Among the states/organizations currently enrolled in the NDA TIP program:
- Colorado Association
- Florida, Association of Soft Tippers
- Indiana Amusement & Music Operators Association
- Iowa Operators of Music & Amusement
- Michigan Coin Machine Operators Association
- Minnesota Operators of Music and Amusements
- Music & Vending Association of South Dakota
- Wyoming State Dart Tournament
In addition, NDA offers TIP program participants special incentives—rebates and free certificates to Team Dart—for their active involvement in NDA and promotion of the sport.
Those interested in utilizing NDA’s resources and expertise for their darting events are encouraged to contact Rachel Kamuda for more information and pricing details. She can be reached at 800-808-9884 or rachel@ndadarts.com.