April 10 - 16, 2025

Come Celebrate With Us At

Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino

3000 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, Nevada


NDA Know the Rules Testing

Thursday, April 10th at 5:00 p.m.

Referee Certification Class

Saturday, April 12th at 2:30 p.m.
Westgate Las Vegas

More Information Coming Soon!

Player Changes/ Substitution: Prior to March 1st, 2025 • Player changes or substitutions must be in writing from the Charter Holder and include player documentation as required for entries. These changes can be made via mail, email, fax, or by logging in to your NDA CompuSport portal, and clicking on Tournament Entry. These substitutions can be done without regard for player skill level and teams will be classified on the new player’s skill level.

After March 1st, 2025– On-site Alternate Rule applies • Onsite alternates can be used by a team as long as the Tournament Committee has approved the change 30 minutes prior to the days event. An alternate must be from the same Charter Holder and meet all the player requirements noted in Player/ Team Eligibility. Alternate players must be rated equal or less than the player they are replacing. It is recommended that possible alternates be submitted, with their statistics, prior to the tournament by your operator to avoid delays. Onsite approval for alternates not already participating in the tournament can be requested by a Charter Holder, with appropriate league statistics, within the time frame noted. For Ladies Masters and mixed events, the alternate players must also be of the same gender. No roster changes are allowed in the finals. Absolutely no one can serve as an alternate on more than one team per event. Any players on your team roster for that event may be rotated in match by match, not between games.

Thursday April 10 
6:00 p.m. Player Pool Party 
7:30 p.m. International Walkthrough

Friday April 11 
8:00 a.m. Team 01 Round 1– All Levels 
5:00 p.m. Doubles 01– All Levels 
5:00 p.m. Pink Ladies Event: Doubles 01

Saturday April 12 
9:00 a.m. NDA Registration Desk/ Tournament Hall Open
10:00 a.m. Team 01 Bracket Day 1– Master Finals 

2:30 p.m. Referee Certification Course
4:00 p.m. Doubles Cricket– All Levels

Sunday April 13 
7:00 a.m. NDA Registration Desk/ Tournament Hall Open
8:00 a.m. Team 01 Finals 

10:00 a.m. International Challenge
5:00 p.m. Singles 01– All Levels

Monday April 14 
7:00 a.m. NDA Information Center/ Tournament Hall Open
8:00 a.m. Team Cricket Round 1– All Levels 

5:00 p.m. Singles Cricket– All Levels

Tuesday April 15 
9:00 a.m. NDA Information Center/ Tournament Hall Open
10:00 a.m. Team Cricket Bracket Day 1– Master Finals 

6:00 p.m. Mixed Triples Combo– All Levels
6:00 p.m. Senior Singles Combo

Wednesday April 16 
8:00 a.m. NDA Information Center/ Tournament Hall Open
9:00 a.m. Team Cricket Finals 

4:00 p.m. Mixed Doubles Combo– All Levels

The Pink Ladies Dart League will team up with the AMOA-National Dart Association (NDA) for a ladies only special event, a Doubles 01 competition, on Friday Evening, April 11th at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino.  
The event is designed to spread awareness about the Pink Ladies Dart League and the breast cancer cause it represents.  All proceeds raised at the event will be directed to the Pink Ladies Dart League. 

Pink Ladies Doubles Event

Open in Open Out

Cap - 55 PPD

55 PPD and over will be placed in a Master Level

1. Tournament entry privileges are only extended to Charter Holder members that have met the following qualifications:

  • Are in good standing and current with all dues, fees, and payables.
  • Have official league statistics on file with the NDA. League schedules, team rosters, and first week statistics should be sent within 15 days of the first week of play for each sanctioned league. Middle week and final week statistics should be sent within 15 days of the date played.
  • League locations can only have dart machines that meet the definition of Qualifying Equipment (see item # 3 below) in order for players to qualify for Team Dart in that location.

2. Sanctioning Requirement: A Declaration of sanctioning is required for each NDA Tournament. This can be completed online or a form will be sent with player entry certificates. Members who do not submit majority– sanctioning declarations are assumed not to meet the minimum requirements.

  • 95% or Majority Sanctioning– Full Tournament eligibility is reserved for Charter holder members that meet the majority sanctioning commitment of 95% of their entire league system. (See item C below) This eligibility allows those who meet the 95% sanction requirements unlimited entries.
  • Less than 95% Sanctioning– Restricted tournament eligibility is afforded to Charter Holders that do not meet the majority sanctioning commitment. This eligibility allows the following: For every 100 players sanctioned, 4 players are eligible to attend Team Dart. Exception: Charter Holder in the first two years of membership in the AMOA-NDA, that have not previously entered team(s) in Team Dart, will have a one– time waiver of the 95% sanctioning requirement. This waiver allows unlimited participation.
  • The “entire league system” refers to all leagues played, in any format on equipment owned and operated by a Charter Holder (i.e. traveling, in-house, remote). All league players should be sanctioned after 3 weeks of league play. Sanctioning the “entire league system” means that the Charter Holder does not have any leagues where players are not sanctioned by the NDA.

3. Qualifying Equipment: League locations can only have dart machines that meet the definition of Qualifying Equipment. Only league matches/ games played on electronic dart machines that correctly calculate Points Per Dart (PPD) and Marks Per Round (MPR) as outlined below are eligible for Tournament entry. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to require verification from any Charter Holder of equipment used for qualification.

Dart machines manufactured by the following companies are approved as qualifying equipment based on the specifications outlined above: Arachnid, Inc., Gaelco Darts S.L., NSM– Loewen Entertainment,Phoenix Dart.

If a software or hardware kit from a non-manufacturer sponsor is installed on a previously qualifying dart machine, the machine specifications of that equipment are no longer verifiable. Therefore, that  equipment can no longer be used in league play to qualify players for Team Dart.

4. Remote Leagues, Remote Leagues Co-Op, and Virtual Play/ Competition

Remote leagues are defined as coin-operated dart leagues, run on equipment owned and operated by a single NDA Charter Holder, which involves simultaneous league play in multiple locations. Play must be head-to-head on qualifying equipment. Remote League games played for a single operator are eligible for Team Dart player qualification.

Remote League Co-Op

Multiple NDA Charter Holders may form a co-op for the purpose of conducting a Remote League. In order for Co-op League (remote or traveling) games to qualify for Team Dart and other NDA tournaments, the co-op league must meet the following criteria:

  • Complete and submit a Co-Op League application to the NDA. This can be done by the individual assigned as the administrator of the Remote Co-Op League.
  • All vendors in the co-op must be NDA Charter Holder members in good standing and must sign the co-op signature form.
  • All players in the Co-Op league must be NDA sanctioned.
  • Remote Co-Op league competition must be played on NDA manufacturer sponsor equipment approved for NDA league play.
  • The co-op must designate an individual from one of the participating Charter Holders who will serve as the administrator of the co-op league. The administrator agrees to provide all operators in the co-op the stats for their players within 48 hours.
  • NDA bylaws, policies and related penalties apply to all operators in the co-op.
  • Games played in an NDA co-op league (traveling or remote) will count toward league players' game requirements for Team Dart and other NDA tournaments ONLY FOR THE OPERATOR WHOSE EQUIPMENT GAMES ARE BEING PLAYED ON.
  • Players are allowed to form a team for Team Dart or other NDA tournaments from their operator whose equipment they play on. FORMING TEAMS BETWEEN TWO OPERATORS FOR NDA EVENTS IS PROHIBITED.
  • Please note that virtual play—defined as dart leagues operated in multiple locations with play occurring at different times is not allowed as part of NDA co-op leagues. As such, virtual play games do not qualify for Team Dart or other NDA tournaments.

Contact Rachel Kamuda for a league co-op application at rachel@ndadarts.com or 800.808.9884

All tournament players must:

  1. Be at least 18 years of age and comply with regulations of local, state, and federal laws in which they compete in leagues. Prize vouchers may only be cashed on-site for those 21 years of age. 
  2. Be sanctioned by the NDA for the 2024-2025 Membership Year and play in leagues ran by an NDA Charter Holder in good standing and in compliance with all league– sanctioning guidelines.  (Only league systems that have every player sanctioned are considered sanctioned leagues.)  Compete during regular league play on qualified machines owned and operated by an NDA charter.

  3. Have played a minimum of 96 league games between March 1, 2024 to February 14, 2025.  Qualifying games must be obtained in no less than eight (8) separate weeks of league play. [League games can consist of ‘01 and/or Cricket with a minimum of 24 games in the format the player is entering (‘01 or Cricket)]

  4. Be entered in the tournament by the NDA Charter Holder on whose machine(s) they have completed the minimum game requirements for tournament entry.
  5. Have a NDA player– skill rating using the Points Per Dart (PPD) and/ or Marks Per Round (MPR) performance rating system for the event in which they are entered, to be classified. These  performance ratings require a player to compete in 24 games in a single season for that event. Minimum time to obtain a player-skill rating is eight (8) separate league nights in eight (8) separate weeks in the same league season. Players who have played 96 league games but do not have a valid PPD or MPR will be classified as a Master-Rated player and the Charter Holder will be billed for a Master Entry Certificate.

All tournament teams must:

    1. Choose to compete in open, master or ladies masters but cannot compete in more than one for a single.
    2. Declare a full team roster, including substitutes, when entry certificates are completed.
    3. Must play for the same Charter Holder and form a tournament team meeting the above criteria.

Alternates for Doubles, Triples, and Teams:

Teams may use an alternate from the same Charter Holder as long as the alternate player has competed in the same league format as the regular players. Regular team alternate should be entered on the regular player certificate.

Violations of the above will void entries and be non-refundable.

In addition to meeting the player eligibility requirements listed on the previously, players must also comply with the following:

1. All players must be entered with their highest known player-skill rating, from league, for the qualifying period: This is the responsibility of your charter holder. Accuracy of player abilities are dependent upon the proper submission and documentation from your Charter Holder.

2. The highest known player skill rating is determined by taking the highest player-skill rating (PPD/MPR) rating from a league season, including the current league season (remember this must be a minimum of 24 games in the format that you are entering in no less than eight (8) weeks of league play in the same league

For Example, Pete played in the following leagues for ACME Vending:

Summer 2024 ending mid-August PPD 23.50
Fall 2024 ending mid-December PPD 25.50
Winter/Spring 2025 PPD 25.75

(Winter/Spring 2025 - In play with 24 games over 8 weeks at time of submissions)

The highest known player– skill rating for this player for Tournament entry would be the 25.75 PPD from the Winter/Spring 2025 season currently in session. When providing player skills, the figure should be carried out two digits past the decimal.

Do not enter performance skills from a previous Team Dart. The system will automatically review Team Dart skills and will use that skill if it is the highest. Only enter the highest league ending statistic.

3. Player ability assessment may be determined by the tournament committee by any of the following criteria:

  • Player– skill rating (as described previously).
  • Review of previous NDA tournament performance, specifically but not limited to Team Dart 2024.
  • Examination of overall local league ratings.
  • Known ability.

All decisions made by the Tournament Committee are final.

4. Master– rated criteria:

  • Players with a skill rating of 35 PPD or 3.8 MPR will be considered Masters Players and will play in Masters Singles events and no lower than level 1 in Doubles events. Individuals/teams that meet/exceed the following team sums will be considered Masters Teams.
Event Team Maximum Doubles Maximum Singles Maximum
Open '01 139.9 PPD 69.9 PPD 35 PPD
Open Cricket 15.19 PPD 7.59 MPR 3.8 MPR
Mixed Doubles Combo   6.5 MPR  
Mixed Triples Combo 10 MPR    
  • Master rating may also be awarded to players who:
    • Are without verifiable player skill rating (e.g. Double in/ Double out Statistics). These players will play in Masters only.
    • Placed in the money in an NDA Master’s level event within the last year.
    • Show “known” ability by top placement in an NDA manufacturer sponsor’s major tournament. Pro lists will be reviewed, but not automatically placed into Masters.
    • Are “dominant players” in either soft or steel-tip darting.
  • No Master– rated player will be permitted to participate below level one.
  • Two Master– rated players on ANY team must play at the Master’s level.
  • For mixed Triples Combo, both the Open Cricket and ‘01 player rating will be used to determine
    Master-rated players.
  • Ladies that choose to register for non- “Ladies Masters” events (singles, doubles, mixed
    doubles, and team) will be classified based on the Master Criteria.

5. Standardized league results are the only accepted statistics. All recorded player-skill ratings are achieved using the actual darts thrown. In addition, the following are standard formats for game play to calculate a player skill– rating:

01 Cricket
Open in/Open out format
8 foot foul line
15 ½” target face
Full 50 point bull’s eye
8 foot foul line
15 ½” target face
Split 50/25 point bull’s eye

Consistent tracking of player-skill ratings for each event is required. Submission of these ratings must show the cumulative accomplishments of each player. Failure to properly track or use of non- standard formats (e.g. Double in/ Double Out) will force a player to be moved to a Masters Event.

6. Double In/ Double Out Statistics

Fairness and competitive brackets are very important to players. Help NDA keep Team Dart fair and fun for all players by ensuring that you are submitting the correct stats for your ‘01 players.

Double in/ Double Out (Master In/ Master Out) is not a standard format for ‘01 qualification. While DI/DO games can count toward the minimum 96 game requirement, statistics from these games CANNOT BE USED to qualify players for ‘01 events. If a player has only DI/DO stats, they do not have a valid skill rating and will play in the highest level of Masters. If a player has DI/DO stats and Open In/ Open out stats, they must be kept separate and the player must have at least 24 games of OI/OO games over 8 separate weeks of play.



April 10-16, 2025

Guarantee Your Reservation Today
at $90 a night (plus taxes & fees) 

Deadline: March 15, 2025

Phone: 800.635.7711  Code: SNDA5R or

Click Here for Online Reservations



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The system is open 7 a.m. to Midnight Monday, 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. Tuesday through Thursday and 7 a.m. to 3 a.m. Friday through Sunday.


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2024 Team dart winners