General Information

Click Here to Register Through CompuSport

2024 - 2025 Tournament Dates

  • $30.00 added per team per bracket
  • $60 sign-up fee per two-person doubles team.
  • Both players on a team must be sanctioned by & play for the same Operator/vendor and have the qualifying games on that Operator's equipment.
  • Best of 5:   501,Cricket,501,Cricket,501, Double Elimination
  • This event is leveled based on entry stats
  • Players need to be sanctioned with the same Operator and have the 48 qualifying games on that Operators equipment during the qualifying period of : January 1, 2024 through Sign up deadline.
Operator Requirements
As a NDA Charter Holder member, to participate, we need you to follow these easy steps:
1.  Sign and forward (scan/email or fax) to us your consent form granting us limited access to your Arachnid 360, LLC account in compliance with its Terms of Service (“TOS”) so we can use:
  • Your Operator Code, to allow us to access and use your Galaxy 3 share codes (unique identifiers for each dartboard) operator code is located in league leader under your user profile and;
  • Registered player’s participation/performance statistics. Click Here: Operator Permission Consent Form
2.  You must enable ‘Remote Play’ and ‘Enable Sharing of this Machine’ for your Galaxy 3’s so they can be used in these events.  Click Here: Printing the Share Code List   
3.  Make sure to upload your NDA files from Compusport to ensure player NDA Sanction ID's are available.

4. Send a master’s Standing at the end of each league season and send to

5.  Promote the NDA remote tournaments to your players, early and often!
Note: Please get us your signed consent form as soon as possible: In order to participate in future and all remote tournaments  ~YOU~ must have your consent form on file in our office.  EMAIL ALL DOCUMENTS TO:
In summary, rest assured, your consent authorizing us access to your account is restricted and limited: We WILL NOT and CANNOT make any changes, and, you will only need to provide us with your signed consent form once, which we will keep in our records. The NDA WILL NOT share your information with any third parties without your further, additional, express consent.
Thank you for helping us to make these events a great addition to the soft-tipped dart community!! If you have any questions, please contact the NDA Tournament Manager, Ann Purpura at (800)808-9884 or via email Assistance with enabling Galaxy 3 remote play or, please contact Arachnid 360, LLC’s Tech. Support
Player Requirements

Player Requirements to Participate in Remote Tournaments


  • All tournament teams/players must be NDA‐sanctioned from leagues operated by NDA member‐
    operators. All players in a league must be members of the NDA, as sanctioned by a Charter Holder
    member in compliance with all league‐sanctioning. All league sanctioning requirements must be
    met. Tournament players/teams may only be entered by the NDA operator‐member on whose
    machine(s) the league/teams play. Violations will void entry and entitlements.
  • All players/teams in a league must compete during regular league play on machines that were
    manufactured by NDA manufacturer‐members and owned and operated by NDA operator‐
  • All participants must be at least 18 years of age and comply with the regulation of the locality and
    State in which they compete in leagues.
  • All participants must have 48 league games in the qualifying period.
  •  No roster changes will be allowed after the Wednesday before the tournament. Unless approved
    by the Remote Tournament Task Force.
  •  Mandatory skill‐level elevation may be invoked by the Tournament Committee based on previous
    tournament results, known ability or Charter Holder recommendation.
  •  Tournament Fees WILL BE $60 per team.

ATTENTION - Team Captains can now REGISTER and PAY in CompuSport for NDA Remote Tournaments!

1. PayPal: You will need to have a PayPal account to receive your winnings! 

 2.  Microsoft Teams: This app will be used as your main source of communication during the event.

  • Visit the app store on your phone and search Microsoft Teams.
  • After the download is complete you will see the app on your phone, open it, and follow the “create account” instructions.
  • You will receive an email with a direct link to the chat, Friday by 5:00 pm CST. Please email if you do not receive an email Friday by 5:00 pm CST.

3.  CompuSport: CompuSport will be used for sign up, payment and tournament play. Please watch the scorekeeper video to ensure you know how to advance your team in the bracket. 


For more information, contact NDA at: or 800-808-9884.

Tournament Sign Up Information/Team Captain Requirements

Getting Started:

 First, there are a few things you need to do:

For doubles or other multi-player team events, each team must designate a captain, who is responsible for the following:

  • The Team Captain in the NDA remote tournaments will need to download and have access to the Compusport App.  NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED IF THEY REGISTERED BY SOMEONE OTHER THEN THE TEAM CAPTAIN.
  • The Team Captain in the NDA remote tourneys must have a PayPal account… To receive your winnings!
  • Team Captain’s in the NDA remote tournaments must download and use the Microsoft Teams APP. It is the primary communications vehicle to be used between players and NDA.  During the remote events, you will need to check Microsoft Teams Message App to know your status and also to report any issues or discrepancies within your matches.   This is designed to keep the brackets moving smoothly. 
  • The Team MUST shoot out of the location they signed up under, for any change request, please email

Event Sign-up:

  •  Entries will be submitted by the Team Captain using Compusport: Please see the how-to training video at under Remote Tournament Training Videos or on the NDA Remote Facebook group page.
  • During signup, the Team Captain is required to provide an email address for communication and to submit the email address linked to their PayPal account.
  • Team Captain must submit entries and make payment by 12:00 PM (Central Time) on the Wednesday before the remote tournament (last Saturday of the month). No late entries will be accepted.
  • Team Captain will receive an email with the direct link to your Level's Chat in Microsoft Teams Message App no later than 5 p.m. CT Friday (1 day before the tournament).  If you do not receive this communication, please contact the tournament admin via the Microsoft Teams Message App. @National Dart Association AP or email

*Note: Players that are playing on a team must play for the same operator/vendor.

Day of Tournament Tips

Tournament Day Set-Up:

  • Brackets are live one hour prior to event.
  • On the day of the remote tournament, all players must have their cell phones (associated with the Microsoft Teams App) working (we recommend connecting to the WIFI if possible) to receive and send tournament communications on the MicroSoft Teams Message APP. 
  • If you have not received the link to the Microsoft Teams Chat by 5:00 pm CST on Friday, check your SPAM folder. If you still do not see it, please email for assistance.
  • Please arrive to your location 1 hour before the match. Upon arrival at the location where you will be playing, please check the machine is set up and includes the Qdiddle league in the Remote League menu.
  • If you do not see the Qdiddle on your board, either send a Direct Message to the NDA in the Microsoft Teams App or email for assistance.
  • Check in between 12:00 and 12:30 PM CT. By 12:30 PM CST, 1:30 PM EST, 11:30 AM MST and by 10:30 AM PST the Team Captain must check in via the Microsoft Teams App with the following language:  

          "Rules/Board Good.” This verifies you have read, understand and agree to   abide by the rules and instructions provided, and that you have verified the board is properly set up.

           “Ready.”  This confirms the player/team is present and ready to play.  *This can be sent all in one message by the Team Captain.

  • All game play will begin at 1PM CENTRAL TIME.  If game play has not started by 1:15 PM CENTRAL TIME, you will be forfeited out of the first match.

Starting the Match:

1. To begin the match, go into Remote Leagues on the menu.  Find the league called Qdiddle.     

a. QDiddle will be the substitute for the diddle, it is set as one round of count up/ 3 darts only, one player only. Winner of count up game starts the first game.

b.  Count up will be Split Bull.

c.  Team on the top of the bracket is home and will start the count up game.

d.  In the event of a TIE on the Diddle: You will back out and restart the game of count up. The opposite player will throw, with the opposite team throwing as the home team.

Example: Home Team Players A & B Visiting Team Players C & D

1st Diddle: Player A throws first Player C throws 2nd

Tiebreaker on Diddle: Player D throws 1st  Player B throws 2nd

  1. Once winner of count up game is determined, exit the QDiddle league, return to Remote Leagues and select the remote league that starts with a Q.
  2. Loser starts all other games.

General Rules of Play:

  • Best of 5: 501,Cricket,501,Cricket,501, Double Elimination

 Open Doubles 501

  1. Open In Open Out
  2. 50 Point Bull
  3. Freeze Rule does apply

Open Doubles Cricket

  1. SPLIT 25/50 Point Bull
  2. Stacked

*Note:   NDA’s remote events will utilize the Match Progression feature, meaning   players/teams may only play one round ahead of the Losers Bracket.

 In Game Issues/Problems:

  • During a game, if there are problems that cannot be resolved and BEFORE contacting the Tournament Administrator, please PAUSE THE GAME, then immediately message the admin using the Microsoft Team Messaging app.
  • All problems must be raised before the game ends. If the problem is not identified and the game ends, the results of that game will not be changed.
  • For issues, such as loss of power, malfunctioning machine or other situations that are out of the control of the participating players, please contact the admin immediately, followed by your league coordinator.
  • If for some reason you can no longer continue a match on the board you started on, you will have 15 minutes to get to your new board/location. After the first 15 minutes have elapsed, you/your team will lose that game. At that point, you will receive another 10 minute grace period, and if the match is not re-started after that second, 10-minute grace period, your team will lose the 2nd No refunds will be granted.

“The Dart Board Is Always Right” rule applies for NDA remote tournaments:

A dart thrown that sticks but does not score or appear on the darts thrown count on the monitor is scored as the board reads.

At the End of the Match:

  • Team Captain is responsible for confirming the results and identifying yourself/your team as the winner, using the SCOREKEEPER function in your Compusport app. 


Players/teams that finish first, second or third and/or who win money in the NDA remote events are required to submit a picture of themselves/their team in front of the dart board using the Microsoft Teams App.  Please send team picture no later than Sunday following the day of tournament.

No prize money will be awarded without such photo identification. 

NDA will send prize money to the PayPal account of the captain of the winning team within 48 hours of the tournament’s conclusion. It is the responsibility of the team captain to distribute winnings to his/her partner/teammates.  NDA is not responsible for any non-payments/disputes between players once the funds are deposited in the team captain’s PayPal account.

Tournament Guidelines

NDA Remote Tournament Player Guidelines

Welcome to NDA’s monthly weekend remote tournament program.    Our goal is to provide you with an ongoing opportunity to have fun and compete while playing with/against other darters from around the country and world!

 First, a word about expected etiquette in our remote events:

Proper conduct and sportsmanship are expected and required of players at all times. During NDA events, NO PHYSICAL CONTACT or WORDS/ACTIONS WITH AN INTENT TO INTIMIDATE OR HARM OTHERS is allowed.  There is ZERO TOLERANCE when it comes to violations of this policy and decisions made by remote tournament officials—and the penalties associated with their rulings—are final.  As well, if/when presented with conclusive evidence of sandbagging or cheating, the “death penalty” applies:   offending players will be banned from participating in any future NDA events.

 Getting Started:

  First, there are a few things you need to do:

For doubles or other multi-player team events, each team must designate a captain, who is responsible for the following

  • The Team Captain in the NDA remote tournaments will need to download and have access to the Compusport App.  
  • The Team Captain in the NDA remote tourneys must have a Pay Pal account… to receive your winnings!
  • Team Captain’s in the NDA remote tournaments must download and use the Microsoft Teams Messaging App. It is the primary communications vehicle to be used between players and NDA.      During the remote events, you will need to check the Microsoft Teams Message App to know your status and also to report any issues or discrepancies within your matches.   This is designed to keep the brackets moving smoothly. 

 Check out the video training materials about CompuSport on, under Remote Tournament Training Videos. They are also available on the NDA Remote Facebook group page.

Event Sign-up:

  •  Entries will be submitted the Team Captain using Compusport: Please see the how-to training video at under Remote Tournament Training Videos or on the NDA Remote Facebook group page.
  • During signup, the Team Captain is required to provide an email address for communication and to submit the email address linked to their Microsoft Teams account.
  • Team Captain must submit entries by 12:00 PM (Central Time) on the Wednesday before the remote tournament (last Saturday of the month). No late entries will be accepted.
  • Team Captain will receive an email with the direct link to the Level's Chat in the Microsoft Teams App no later than 5 p.m. Central Time) announcing the brackets.  If you do not receive this communication, please contact the tournament admin via the Miscrosoft Teams app.

*Note: Players that are playing on a team must play for the same operator/vendor.

Tournament Day Set-Up:

  • On the day of the remote tournament, all players must have their cell phones (associated with the number submitted by the player during signup) working (we recommend connecting to the WIFI if possible) to receive and send tournament communications on the Microsoft Team app.
  • Please arrive to your location 30 minutes before the match. Upon arrival at the location where you will be playing, please check the machine is set up and includes the Q diddle league in the Remote League menu.
  • By 12:30 PM CST, 1:30 PM EST, 11:30 AM MST and by 10:30 AM PST the Team Captain must check in using the Microsoft Teams App with the following language:  

          "Rules/Board Good.” This verifies you have read, understand and agree to   abide by the rules and instructions provided, and that you have verified the board is properly set up.

           “Ready.”     This confirms the player/team is present and ready to play.

*This can be sent all in one message by the Team Captain.

Starting the Match:

  1. To begin the match, go into Remote Leagues on the menu.  Find the league called Qdiddle.     

a.  QDiddle will be the substitute for the diddle, it is set as one round of count up/ 3 darts only, one player only. Winner of count up game starts the first game.

b.  Count up will be Split Bull.

c.  Team on the top of the bracket is home and will start the count up game.

d.  In the event of a TIE on the Diddle: You will back out and restart the game of count up. The opposite player will throw, with the opposite team throwing as the home team.

Example: Home Team Players A & B Visiting Team Players C & D

1st Diddle: Player A throws first Player C throws 2nd

Tiebreaker on Diddle: Player D throws 1st  Player B throws 2nd

2.  Once winner of count up game is determined, exit the QDiddle league, return to Remote Leagues and select the remote league that starts with a Q.

3.  Loser starts all other games.

 In Game Issues/Problems:

  • During a game, if there are problems that cannot be resolved and BEFORE contacting the Tournament Administrator, please PAUSE THE GAME, then immediately message the admin using the Microsoft Teams app.
  • All problems must be raised before the game ends. If the problem is not identified and the game ends, the results of that game will not be changed.
  • For issues, such as loss of power, malfunctioning machine or other situations that are out of the control of the participating players, please contact the admin immediately, followed by your league coordinator.
  • If for some reason you can no longer continue a match on the board you started on, you will have 15 minutes to get to your new board/location. After the first 15 minutes have elapsed, you/your team will lose that game. At that point, you will receive another 10 minute grace period, and if the match is not re-started after that second, 10-minute grace period, your team will lose the 2nd No refunds will be granted.

“The Dart Board Is Always Right” rule applies for NDA remote tournaments:

A dart thrown that sticks but does not score or appear on the darts thrown count on the monitor is scored as the board reads.

At the End of the Match:

  • Team Captain is responsible for confirming the results and identifying yourself/your team as the winner, using the SCOREKEEPER function in your Compusport app.
  • IMPORTANT: The loser Team Captain of the match needs to approve the score using the CompuSport app.    A notification will be sent to the loser via CompuSport seeking approval of the results. The bracket WILL NOT update/advance unless or until both the match winner(s) and loser(s) follow this process. When results are verified by both players/teams, the brackets will be updated automatically.


General Rules of Play:

 Open Doubles 501

  1. Open In Open Out
  2. 50 Point Bull
  3. Freeze Rule does apply

Open Doubles Cricket

  1. SPLIT 25/50 Point Bull
  2. Stacked

*Note:   NDA’s remote events will utilize the Match Progression feature, meaning   players/teams may only play one round ahead of the Losers Bracket


Players/teams that finish first, second or third and/or who win money in the NDA remote events are required to submit a picture of themselves/their team in front of the dart board using the Microsoft Teams App. No prize money will be awarded without such photo identification.

NDA will send prize money to the Zelle account of the captain of the winning team within 48 hours of the tournament’s conclusion. It is the responsibility of the team captain to distribute winnings to his/her partner/teammates.  NDA is not responsible for any non-payments/disputes between players once the funds are deposited in the team captain’s Zelle account.


Tournament Rules

To All Operators and Players that are participating in the NDA Remote Monthly Tournament,

Please take some time to read and acknowledge the tournament rules below.


If you have any questions, please contact the NDA Tournament Manager, Ann Purpura at (800) 808-9884 or via email at